Owning a home is a dream not everyone can realize. That’s where Habitat for Humanity steps in. They help make dreams a reality for hundreds of families each year through sweat equity, financial education and building affordable houses.

Homeownership is our number one goal – and keeping it affordable,” said Billy Whipple, senior vice president of construction for Austin Habitat for Humanity. “Natural gas is really important to the homes we build because it’s reliable, predictable and affordable month to month.”

One reason why Texas Gas Service proudly supports Habitat for Humanity is because of the shared commitment to improving communities across the state. Of the more than 9 million Texas households, 41% are considered low income and use an average of 10% of their income on energy costs. That’s why Austin Habitat for Humanity depends on natural gas. The natural gas appliances used in the homes they build – including water heaters, stovetops, dryers and furnaces – allow for greater affordability for the families who live in them.

When compared to an electric water heater, a natural gas water heater of the same capacity can save homeowners an average of $300 per year. Texans can take advantage of even more savings when they use natural gas for cooking, heating their home and drying their clothes. All this results in lower utility bills for Texans, and ultimately more money in wallets.

Learn more about how Texas Gas Service helps deliver a better tomorrow for communities across the state.